Comments, news and opinion by August Ragone, "Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Film Award" winning author of
"Eiji Tsuburaya: Master of Monsters", host of Shout! Factory TV's "Kaiju Movie Marathon" & "Super Sentai Spectacular", and the guest host of KOFY-20's "Famous Monsters TV"
"There is so much writing in English on Japanese cinema that can't be accepted at face value — not because the writers are careless, but because the differences in culture and language are just too intricate. When I see August Ragone's name on a piece of writing, it gives me permission to place my faith in it completely. Among Japanese fantasy film historians, he's the best working in English."—Tim Lucas, Video Watchdog
After much hand-wringing and anticipation, Shochiku Films uploaded the new trailer for the second — and highly anticipated — theatrical release of SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO: 2199, "Desperate Battle in the Heliosphere" (comprising Episodes 3-6), opening in a two-week limited theatrical engagement on June 30th! For long-time YAMATO and STAR BLAZERS fans, this preview is 120 seconds of unmitigated joy, with eye-popping footage and action from this truly spectacular remake of the original — and time-honored —1974 series. I dare you not to love it.
Stay tuned to this blog and the official Star Blazers website for more news and information on SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO: 2199 as they develop — and soon, we'll be off to outer space, and never want to come back!
Two-time Rondo Award-winning author of EIJI TSUBURAYA: MASTER OF MONSTERS. August has commented on Japanese film and popular culture on radio, television, in print, online, and at events for more than three decades. As a teen, he served as Horror Host Bob Wilkins' "Japanese Film" & "Godzilla Expert" at KTVU TV-2. And has lectured at Lucasfilm.
He has contributed liner notes for numerous DVD releases, edited and authored over 150 subtitle scripts, and written for periodicals such as Japanese Fantasy Film Journal, Filmfax. Video Watchdog, Asian Cult Cinema, Henshin! Online, Oriental Cinema, G-Fan, Super7, Otaku USA, and Famous Monsters of Filmland.
As an events promoter, the San Francisco-born native hosted the "Japanese Fantasy Film Faire" (1979), the first Anime & Tokusatsu event outside of Japan, and has gone on to produce live music and multi-media events including The Sleazefest, Incredibly Strange Wrestling, The Greaseball, Godzillafest, and Shock It To Me!.
MST3K Vol. XXXVII Shout! Factory, 2016 •On-screen Intro for INVASION OF THE NEPTUNE MEN
GODZILLA (2014) Warner Bros/Target Exclusive •"History of Godzilla" documentary
ULTRA Q: The Complete Series Shout! Factory •Downloadable PDF Liner Notes
MESSAGE FROM SPACE Shout! Factory •16-page Liner Notes Booklet (w/Patrick Macias) + On-screen Actor Biographies and Package Copy
JOHNNY SOKKO & HIS FLYING ROBOT The Complete Series Shout! Factory •24-page Liner Notes Booklet
ULTRA SEVEN: The Complete Series Shout! Factory •24-page Liner Notes Booklet • Package Copy
MST3K Vol. XXIV Shout! Factory •On-screen Intro for FUGITIVE ALIEN
MST3K Vol. XXII Shout! Factory •On-screen Intros for TIME OF THE APES and MIGHTY JACK
MST3K Vol. XXI: MST3K VS. GAMERA Shout! Factory •Interview: GAMERA OBSCURA 30-minute Special Feature
*Nominated for "BEST CLASSIC DVD COLLECTION" in the 2011 Rondo Awards!*
GAMERA VS. ZIGRA w/ GAMERA: SUPER MONSTER Shout! Factory Special Features Producer •Special Features Content
GAMERA VS. GUIRON w/ GAMERA VS. JIGER Shout! Factory Special Features Producer •Special Features Content
GAMERA VS. GYAOS w/ GAMERA VS. VIRAS Shout! Factory Special Features Producer •Special Features Content
GAMERA VS. BARUGON Shout! Factory Special Features Producer •Audio Commentary (with Jason Varney), 12-page Booklet & Ad Copy
GAMERA, THE GIANT MONSTER Shout! Factory Special Features Producer •Audio Commentary, English Subtitle Script, 12-page Booklet & Ad Copy
INAZUMAN: Complete Series DVD Box JN Productions/Generation Kikaida •On-screen Liner Notes, Character Profiles, Song Lyrics & more!
SUPER ROBOT: RED BARON The Complete Series BCI/Ronin Entertainment •English Subtitle Scripts, Lyrics, 20-page Liner Notes Booklet & Ad Copy
IRON KING: The Complete Series BCI/Ronin Entertainment •20-page Liner Notes Booklet & Ad Copy
KIKAIDA 01: Complete Series JN Productions/Generation Kikaida •Extensive On-screen Liner Notes, Program Information, Essays & Ad Copy
KAMEN RIDER V3: Complete Series JN Productions/Generation Kikaida •Dual English Subtitles, Lyrics, Extensive On-screen Liner Notes, Program Information, Essays & Ad Copy
You may send your complaints to august[.]ragone[@]gmail[.]com which will be forwarded to the great entrepreneur, Mr. Kumayama of Happy Enterprises. Thank You!
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