Art ©Rob Kelly/NAMTAB
"On the thirty-first day of Halloween, my true blood gave to me, thirty-one Jack-o-Lanterns, thirty Druid Runes, twenty-nine Mariphasa Flowers, twenty-eight Haunted Houses, twenty-seven Poison Potions, twenty-six Pinewood Coffins, twenty-five Rattling Bones, two dozen Crimson Ghosts, twenty-three Gypsy Curses, twenty-two Feathered Serpents, twenty-one Tana Leaves, twenty Trembling Tabongas, nineteen Creepy Uncles, eighteen Eerie Cousins, seventeen Famous Monsters, sixteen Spiders Spinning, fifthteen Witches Brewing, fourteen Voodoo Dollies, thirteen Ghosts a-Haunting, twelve Ghouls a-Grumbling, eleven Skulls a-Screaming, ten Zombies Feasting, nine Werewolves Howling, eight Mummies Crumbling, seven Vampires Preying, six Creatures S'laying, five Ghoulish Things, four Severed Limbs, three Shrunken Heads, two Devil Bats, and a Senior Lon Chaney!"
Please visit Rob Kelly's site at www.namtab.com